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      08-15-2020, 05:08 PM   #1

Drives: 2013 135Is DCT, 2005 GTO m6
Join Date: Aug 2020
Location: South California

iTrader: (0)

Log in Issues - Need Assistance, Please

Hello Mods! I知 at a loss here. I can sign in just fine on my iPhone 11, safari. However I cannot sign in on MacBook nor any other browser on my iPhone. On my Mac, when I try to reset password, the email that is sent to me includes a username which suddenly has a Chinese language character in it, and even though I copy and paste that username, or do it again with my real username that I知 using right now on my iPhone in Safari, and the temporary password in the reset email, the site says I知 using an invalid username or password.

I致e emailed the site, with no response. Hoping this thread finds you well and you can help me with this issue!

Appreciate 0