Thread: Zeitgeist
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      09-23-2008, 05:26 PM   #14
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[QUOTE=darkphantom;3357831]Damn, I'm so fking pissed at those of you who are ignorant of our moronic government. I'm an economics major and have gone and read several books that pertain to our country's history. I thank those of you who have backed up the evidence from these videos.

Dark Phantom, people will know the truth when its to late but what really gets me pissed is that those same people will be so surprised that things are falling apart all around them, when they had all the information right in front of they're eyes this whole time. Which is quite sad to say the least.

Zeitgeist is a documentary to wake people up about what is going on and will take place in the next 3 years or so. People must realize that there is a handful of people in this world that will do ANYTHING to gain absolute power. If you don't believe this is true, then why throughout human history, do the wealthiest (not just rich but wealthy) 2% always control the rest of the 98% of the population. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!!!!! because we the 98% let it happen and what is coming will be a new adjustment of the 2% to maintain a very tight grip on all of us.
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