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      10-24-2024, 10:15 AM   #23
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Not wearing seatbelts is like peak boomer mentality.
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      10-24-2024, 10:51 AM   #24
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Sister in law is bad about not wearing them. She says it's habit because growing up in New York they didn't have to. I have to make a special point to not drive until she's buckled in because she will try to hide it and then act like I'm a jerk because of it. She really doesmt want to wear it because she's overweight and uncomfortable.

One time my mother in law insisted that there was no way Florida required seatbelts when I was a kid because New York is more progressive than Florida and so they had to be ahead of Florida for things like this. It was pretty wild to see just how brainwashed people can be.
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      10-24-2024, 11:00 AM   #25
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I have to remind myself to not put it on when I drive to the mailbox. Always wear my seatbelt, there is no reason not to. If you die because you didn't wear it then that's your stupid.
I will say there is ONE exception to that statement. My Dad told me of a time from back in the 70's when he was hit hard in a T bone accident and it launched the bench seat into the intersection with him in it still. If he would have been wearing his seat belt that day he wouldn't be here and I wouldn't exist. Thinking of the logistics of how it happened it sounds unlikely and maybe he was blowing smoke up my ass, but that story has always stuck with me as well. There are plenty of morons out there.
I make sure everyone is buckled up before I leave. It drives my Wife crazy. Her Sister likes to not wear seatbelts. She does in my car or we don't move.
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      10-24-2024, 11:00 AM   #26
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I’m sure things were different 30 years ago, but you have no excuse not wearing one today. And frankly I view it no different as riding without a helmet. If you want to take your chances by all means; perfect example of Darwinism or as kids call it these days ‘fk around and find out’.
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      10-24-2024, 11:24 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by 3002 tii View Post
I’m sure things were different 30 years ago, but you have no excuse not wearing one today. And frankly I view it no different as riding without a helmet. If you want to take your chances by all means; perfect example of Darwinism or as kids call it these days ‘fk around and find out’.
People riding without helmets really bothers my wife. She hates it when I point out she was ok with her sister not wearing seatbelts until she met me.
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      10-24-2024, 11:33 AM   #28

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Have always worn my seat belt with one exception - the back of yellow taxi cabs in NYC 30 years ago. I always felt like it was wrong -- many didn't have them and with the shiny vinyl rear seats, we would be sliding and thrown about during normal taxi driving.

This discussion reminds me of this clipping:
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      10-24-2024, 01:17 PM   #29
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I've been wearing seat belts since way before it was a state law here. Not just for safety, but it helps me feel more connected to the vehicle.

I also installed safety hammers in all our vehicles. It doesn't mean you might not burn or drown in your vehicle but it gives you a better chance if you're not pinned and have your wits about you.
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      10-24-2024, 01:54 PM   #30
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Decades ago, in my late teens to my mid 20's, I didn't wear a seatbelt, a lot of people didn't. During that time, I was in 3 accidents, all 3 were on rainy days.

1st - (driver) - broke the steering wheel with my face destroyed nose which required surgery, nose more symmetrical now
2nd - (driver) - broke the windshield with my head, which went partway through the windshield, 50 stitches in forehead, eyelid, cheeks and both ears.
3rd - (passenger) - cracked the windshield with my head and dented the door out with my shoulder.

I started wearing a seatbelt after the 3rd one, haven't had another accident since.
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      10-24-2024, 02:45 PM   #31

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This thread has same kind of energy as loose animals in the vehicle, junk on your dashboard / rear window shelf, legs up on the dash.

The car stops but things inside keep moving. You aren't better or stronger than physics.
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      10-24-2024, 02:54 PM   #32
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I remember when the seatbelt law was imposed in NY. I already had my drivers license and I didn't like being forced to wear one. However after having a crash and hitting the windshiled, I've worn one ever since. But I still never worn one in the backseat which was stupid. Now no matter what, myseld and everyone else in the car must wear it or I don't move the car. Funny how things change as you get older and realise the risks. I do remember as kid in the 70s sitting in the front and not wearing a seatbelt.
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      10-24-2024, 04:44 PM   #33
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I had an uncle, who was also a police officer, that would never wear a seatbelt as not wearing one as a kid actually saved his life.

If I recall the accident was on a bridge and he was thrown free and survived, while everyone else went off the bridge and died. He readily admitted that he was the exception, but said that after that he just would not wear one.
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      10-24-2024, 04:47 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by DocL View Post
I remember when the seatbelt law was imposed in NY. I already had my drivers license and I didn't like being forced to wear one. However after having a crash and hitting the windshiled, I've worn one ever since. But I still never worn one in the backseat which was stupid. Now no matter what, myseld and everyone else in the car must wear it or I don't move the car. Funny how things change as you get older and realise the risks. I do remember as kid in the 70s sitting in the front and not wearing a seatbelt.
I'm also that old as well. When I was a kid, both of my parents had big cars(Buicks and Olds) that had front bench seats. I sat in the front middle seat WITHOUT wearing seatbelts. Actually, there was only a lapbelt for the front center bench seat passenger.... but it was the 70s, even my safety-conscious parents were oblivious to that.

in late 1980s, my father bought one of the first Mercedes sedans that came with the first airbags in the steering wheels. Even the salesman jokingly said "be careful when that thing explodes in your face!" (again, people in the 1980s had a very different sense of humor)
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      10-24-2024, 04:53 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by bucketfoot View Post
I had an uncle, who was also a police officer, that would never wear a seatbelt as not wearing one as a kid actually saved his life.

If I recall the accident was on a bridge and he was thrown free and survived, while everyone else went off the bridge and died. He readily admitted that he was the exception, but said that after that he just would not wear one.
I get what you're saying. Nothing in life is guaranteed. Wearing a seatbelt does NOT guarantee survival in all accidents.

I was shocked and beyond confused last year when my best friend's wife informed us that he had passed away... from a badminton accident. yes, badminton. It hit him in the head and at just the right spot to cause internal bleeding and other injuries. I was sad because I knew him for exactly 40 years as of last year. I've had other closed friends who died young from car accidents, diseases, and other thing... but never could I have imagine that someone could die while playing badminton.
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      10-24-2024, 06:43 PM   #36

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Originally Posted by SnowCover View Post
...from a badminton accident. yes, badminton.
6-year old girl on vacation in Maine this summer also died from a badminton accident: "the aluminum shaft of a badminton racquet had become dislodged from the wooden handle, causing the shaft to strike the girl in the head, piercing through her skull."
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      10-24-2024, 06:58 PM   #37
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If I'm in the front seat of a car, I will always wear a seat belt unless there isn't one. The backseat is another story since a large number of backseats are not designed for humans. Much like airplane seats
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      10-24-2024, 07:48 PM   #38
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Been wearing them since I was old enough to drive. Saved my life too. Back in the pre-airbag days, my 1984 e30 was smashed to smithereens on the highway (not my fault). My only injury was a big bruise from the seat belt. The seat belt and the car saved me. That incident is why I like Bimmers and seat belts.

A seat belt saved my brother many years ago too.

I guess you guys that don't wear them have led a charmed life and never been in a wreck?

Wear your seat belt! It improves your odds of survival immensely.
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      10-24-2024, 07:49 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by DocL View Post
I remember when the seatbelt law was imposed in NY. I already had my drivers license and I didn't like being forced to wear one. However after having a crash and hitting the windshiled, I've worn one ever since. But I still never worn one in the backseat which was stupid. Now no matter what, myseld and everyone else in the car must wear it or I don't move the car. Funny how things change as you get older and realise the risks. I do remember as kid in the 70s sitting in the front and not wearing a seatbelt.
I was riding in the front seat in the 60s. Your mentioning riding in the front without a seatbelt reminded me of this. I think if you’re our age this reaction is pretty much automatic. I remember doing this in the 2000s when my niece was old enough to ride in the front seat and was wearing a seatbelt, but I had a sudden stop and my arm was out in front of her without a second of conscious thought.

Then, of course, there were the car seats, which had absolutely nothing to do with safety, but were primarily designed to give little ones a better view out of the car.
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      10-24-2024, 08:27 PM   #40
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I always wear it, and if you ride in my car you do too.
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      10-24-2024, 08:39 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Mason Hatcher View Post
I always wear it, and if you ride in my car you do too.
same here....

if I ride in someone else's car and he/she does not wear the seat belt, I put my hand on the gearshifter until I hear the seatbelt click! In fact, I refuse to be in any car unless all occupants(front and rear) are wearing seatbelts. In an accident, the rear unbelted passenger can easily crush me in the front.
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      10-24-2024, 08:46 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Coupsoup View Post
Not wearing seatbelts is like peak boomer mentality.
My best friend's 22 year old daughter refuses to wear a seatbelt. She leaves it buckled and sits on it, to fool the car. Claims it is uncomfortable. I think she just doesn't like being told what to do.

She is Mensa level smart... and yet won't wear a seatbelt.
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      10-24-2024, 11:11 PM   #43
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I drive my car to the gym at 5AM (1.5 miles away) to get my morning workout at which time I do wear my seatbelt. On the way back, I am guilty of not wearing my seatbelt as I am usually very sweaty and don't want to wear my seatbelt on my drive back home since there isn't ample time for it to dry out by the time I am done showering and dressed up to get to the office. I know it is a probably a lame excuse but reading some of these stories have now got me rethinking my strategy and will start wearing my seatbelt on the drive back home from the gym.

For every other time I am behind the wheel, I am 100% wearing the seatbelt and expect all my passengers to do the same.
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      10-25-2024, 03:06 AM   #44
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Honestly, I’m bad, I rarely wear them. Luckily my children haven’t picked up my habit. I’m trying to get better about it…..I do put it on if I’m in inclement weather.

When I was 17 or 18….which was like 1998, the Lincoln Navigator had just been released. I tried crossing a 3 lane highway. There was a car turning in the closest lane to me and I thought it was safe to cross to the median. I didn’t see the Navigator in the middle lane going 50 MPH in my little Pontiac Grand Am. I had a split second where I saw him coming but before he hit me and I leaned into the passenger side of the car. My driver door was smashed in pretty good towards the center console of the car.

My poor thinking said that if I had been wearing my seat belt that day I would have been seriously hurt because I wouldn’t have been able to lean over towards the passenger side of the car. I ended up just having a few pieces of glass stuck in my arm from the window breaking but that’s it.

It’s a stupid reason and not really based in reality since it’s obvious seat belts save way more lives. I guess by now it just makes me feel uncomfortable wearing one because I haven’t for so long. I probably need to work harder on breaking this habit.
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